New dream as a sports journalist

Throughout the last few years I have found a new dream. As a sports lover I thought there would be nothing better than reporting about sporting events. In 2018 I started to attend a ECDL course in National Council for the Blind (NCBI) which is located in Druncondra to upskill my computer skills. Through participating in this course I feel that my typing skills have improved in the last year. I have started in recent times to blog about the sporting events that would be on each week. As I got more confident I have started to record my sporting picks and put them out on social media. The feedback I have got about them has been really good which is great. This has giving me a passion to write about sport in some sort of media.

Through doing this I have found a new passion I love to do this for a living. I have done work experience in a radio station Dublin South FM late last year to gain more confidence in talking out loud. This has done wonders for my communicational skills and has helped with my videos on social media. After doing work experience I attended some radio training with Near FM which lasted 6 weeks. This gave me more of a insight in how media works. It also taught me what type of questions you have to ask when interviewing somebody. I enquired with a employment officer about doing a Journalism course. There was 1 that caught my eye and it was in Colaiste Dhulaigh College. I thought this course could be the one for me so I applied for this course.

Since then I have started posting blogs on Tumblr which is a blogging website. This has giving me more confidence to write blogs and post them online. I have gotten some great feedback from writing the blogs on Tumblr which is bery encouraging. I am excited in starting this course as it’s a new start in my life. I no that this course is going to be tough because doing a journalism course is difficult enough without having a visual impairment. I love to challenge myself and I am prepared to complete this course. It is a bit more challenging to do this course with a visual impairment but is not impossible to do which is critical. I am looking forward to starting the course and keep looking out on my Tumblr account @irelandsblindgolfer to see what blogs that I will be putting up. I have really enjoyed writing blogs throughout the last while and I think this is something that I am good at. I am delighted to announce that I was accepted for the course. I am looking forward to starting this course and I am excited in starting new. It would be great if I could get more opportunities to write while I am participating in the course. It is one step closer to my dream and I am willing to put in the work. If I can do this course with a visual impairment there’s no reason why somebody else with a disability can’t do this course. It is very important to say never or can’t you can do everything just with a little bit of help


Home workouts with a visual impairment


My lowest score in a round of golf